
Saturday, August 13, 2011

IMPORTED my blog to Thisisalx 2.0 =]

Hey girls!!

I can't stand how my blog is messed up so I imported my entire blog to another portal:

It's basically the same thing just that the blog is functional now and not one that is messed up=]
he name to my new blog is Thisisalx 2.0:

I would love it if you can all follow me on that blog instead? =] Sorry for all the inconvenience but blogger was making me mad@@@@!! So I spent hours fixing and importing my new blog for you guys =]s2


One more note, as you can all see, I have finally reached 100+ followers so I will be doing a giveaway soon (end of month or beginning of September when I finish all my examssssss!) I still have to decide where I will post it and how it should all go down but definitely follow my new link because now you can all get my updates! Thank you all for supporting me this long, hope to see you all here:


1 comment:

  1. suddenly when you want to move blogs,i see all your updates at once on my dashboard O.O but i will follow your new blog ofcourse ;)


Hola Senoritas y Senor!
Feel free to leave me comments/questions/request or anything in between! =]
