
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cutest puppies and the best hair trick!

Hey Everyone!! Missing you all a whole lot, just back from my vacay a few days ago so time to blog again =].... Still testing out whether you guys can see my blog updates on your dashboards or not =S let me know please! if it's still broken then I might make a new blog instead because I'm not happy with how Blogger isn't helping me fix it! grrr...

Anyways, I've been obsessed with these YouTube videos I watched within these few weeks. Seriously the best useful hair trick EVER no lies and the cutest puppies ever! I think most of you have seen these videos already since it's so popular but just in case you haven't yet then please enjoy! =D

Let me start of with the best hair trick I learned from Blair of "juicystar07"

-This hairstyle/trick is great for emergency situations where you need to get your hair our of the way but don't have a hair tie, hair clip, bobby pins, pencils or other sources to get your hair up:
Ex. 1: Working out at the gym; you are sweating like no other therefore turning your pin straight hair into a severe case of frizzyness
Ex. 2: Washing your face or brushing your teeth; quickly do this hairstyle and throw it to the back or inside your shirt so it won't move around
Ex. 3: Wear this hairstyle right after washing and drying your hair to add beachy waves into your hair without applying extra heat from a curling iron/straightener

- Or simply wear this style because it's cute, easy and quick
-Or do this style to avoid damaging your hair with bobby pins, hair ties etc...

*All I know is that I think this is the coolest and most useful hair trick ever!! been doing this hair at least twice a day (morning and night when I'm washing after myself*

Second lovely video that I'm loving is from Holly of "hollyannaeree" where she posted a video of her puppy Eevee! Isn't she cute!?!?!

One of the cutest puppy ever! Her fur colour is so pretty and luxurious looking! Also loving the red collar, what a stylist puppy s2!

Last but not least, this video always puts a smile on my face! I can watch it 10000000x and still not get bored of it!!! It's the Ultimate Dog Teaser by "klaatu42"

Love it!! do you?? =D

Weather been super cold lately, I thought it's still summer?
Anyway, hope you all have a greatttttt weekend! Let me know what you think about the videos? Have you watched it already? 



  1. Yay you are back! I am using my ipad so dashboard isnt useful right now... Its so silly how blogger acts up for some ppl more often then others :( I love Hollyannaeree! And I surprisingly haven't seen these before.. I like blairs hair style but I turned the volume off lol. I'm just not a massive fan of her videos =\ thanks for sharing your yt fav's, I always like seeing what videos others like :) and its been cold here as well!!! What the heck? I am actually excited for fall this year :)

  2. you have a lovely blog and i am now following! follow back? :)))

  3. the braid tuto is nice, thanks for sharing ^^

    Can I invite you to join my GIVEAWAY-Korean BB creams , thank you ^^

  4. thanks for following me, I follow back.
    You can find orly polishes on ebay.

  5. those puppies ARE cute, haha I've been wanting a puppy but my bf won't let me get one and he's right I just don't have the time right now.. so last weekend I got myself a ceramic dog statue LOL

  6. i like this post, very helpful!
    btw, how r u hun? i know you're doing really great! i miss you.. sorry, been busy for a while! thanks for joining the giveaway and of course for the birthday greetings.
    i know this is late for a response.. ^^

  7. love this post!! i'm going to try that hair trick!! :) thanks for showing us these videos chica!


Hola Senoritas y Senor!
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