
Sunday, July 24, 2011

July's Luxe Box by Loose Button

I know I'm kinda late on this post but better late than never =]

I will assume that you all know that Luxe Box is a monthly subscription that delivers 3-5 deluxe beauty samples in a pretty box for $12/month, $36/3month or $120/year, currently only available to Canadians and that you can purchase your Luxe Box hereeeeeeeeee ;)

I was just thinking that I might be creating a lot of waste if I were to receive a Luxe Box per month for the next while because they are heavily packaged. So I kindly emailed them to ship my July Luxe Box in the bubble wrap envelope only and skip the box, ribbons, tissue papers and the sheet of cotton even thought I know  we can completely recycle all these materials with the help of some imagination and creativity but I just wanted to try this out for a month and see how it goes. Let me tell you, it's not as exciting opened a Luxe Box WITHOUT the box and all the other goodies so I will be requesting my future Luxe Boxes to be shipped as it used to be and I will recycle the materials myself =] (will make a post in the future on how I reuse these boxes, tissue papers, ribbons and cotton =]).

This month, I was away from home so couldn't open my box until a week later so I spoiled my own surprise by searching it on YT and google. 
  • I was kinda sad that we were getting another polish because I'm not a polish girl. 
  • Kinda sad that we were getting a lip liner cause I never use a lip liner.
  • But glad that these were full sizes =].
  • Kinda sad that there was a fragrance sampler because I'm not into perfumes.
  • Kinda sad that there was another oil treatment sampler since we already got one from Joico last month
  • BUT THEN, THAT'S JUST ME... Don't even know why I still love them soooooooo much when I dislike so many types of beauty products, I think it's the surprise we get each month and the fact that we can really find things we love or hate just so we know what to buy and what not to buy in full sizes.

    *I got some different products than what is listed above, so keep reading to find out more =]*

Super small packaging compared to what it used to be

Greeting Cards, description and price of the full size products (just wished they would include how big the full sizes are)

Not too appealing to the eye without the box is it? =P
I got four things this month and no chocolate =[, perhaps it's because of the hot weather? I would love to see some sour candies as a substitute *yumm*

This box includes:

  • 2 eye cream and 1 moisturizer sample from Consonant Skincare
    Full size eye cream retails for $36, moisturizer retails for $54
  • (Full Size) Essie Nail Polish in Formal Affair (Red with tiny reflexes)
    Full size retails for $8
  • Stella In Two Peony fragrance sampler
    Full size retails for $56
  • (Full Size) Trucco Pro Eye Pencil in Sebastian 7094
    Full size retail for $20

Consonant Skincare

Consonant Skincare
3 small samples, haven't tried these yet but I think I will love it because I  loved the natural soap bar and the foaming face cleanser that I received in past Luxe Boxes

Stella In Two Peony
Love how it looks but didn't really care for the scent. It's too woody, and heavy for me.

Essie Nail Polsih
I HATE RED! lol, already got a red China Glaze polish last month so I don't really need another one =[

Formal Affair
Applies sheer
needs 3-4 coats to get get it opaque
has tiny gold reflexes
looks like a coral-ly/orangy if you only apply one coat

Pro Eye Liner (bottom: swatch and top: blended)
Very smooth and moisturizing
Feels like a melting lipstick
Colour suitable as a cheek stain or lip colour
I might be able to use it as an eyeshadow/base/primer by for now I think I will only use in on my lip because its too moisturizing for my oily eyelids

Overall, I still like this service and the idea behind it so I renewed my subscription for another year. July's box wasn't really for me because I was really bummed when I saw a red polish but the rest of the box is workable, not loving but workable.
However, I did love almost all the products in my past Luxe Boxes, if you'd like to check those out then feel free to click the followings:
June's Edition
May's Edition
March's Edition

For those who have bought this month's Luxe Box, did you find anything you love/hated? Let me know by commenting below =]

Want more of these services? Try GLYMM BOX, it's a little different but I will explain it when I get my next box arrives but feel free to explore their website to find more about glymm box. I am currently subscribed to both LUXE BOX and GLYMM BOX so I'm supper excited to see what's in my August edition and how they compare =]



  1. Thats so thoughtful of you to not have to box to save on materials and stuff :D
    the liner looks pretty, wish i was canadian :L

  2. I cannot wait to see your August Glymm box!!
    I had the same problem, i'm not much for polish and 2 reds in a row :( boo. I would never ever use lip liner =/ so that kinda sucks.
    Okay can I just not read or why did you get an extra sample? because you were subscribed for a year?
    The Consonant Skincare would be nice to try!
    Hopefully they will get more products we are looking for in the future =)

  3. Posting this through iphone so don't mind the spelling mistakes lol. I love your box so much more than mine. My polish colour is so ugly, I wore it once and took it off tr next day. And I prefer an eyeliner than a lipliner and I didn't get the moisturizing stuff just a small sampler of hair oil. Sorry for the rant lol! I hope august is way better. Disappointed too since it's my first box :(

  4. Even though the one without all the packaging might not look as good, it's pretty nice customer service to change it up like that.

  5. ARGH i keep reading these on everyone's posts and I am sooo jealous haha. I want one so bad, but I dont know if I should or not because I don't know if I will always like the products. :/ I shall keep reading yours and everyone else who is subscribed and maybe come to a conclusion LOL :)

  6. hey huns!
    finally back from my vacation, your blog didn't show up on my dashboard again :(
    i was pretty dissapointed with july's luxebox too. i never use lip liner, hair oils, and i don't like that perfume annnnnnnnd i don't like how i dodn't get chocolate either hahaha. i wish i got those creams you got instead. I like the essie polish though and that's pretty much it. Next month would be my last box, debating if i should renew my subscription...

  7. hah i dont like red either
    hmmh u have very nice blog, u write good stuff in here

    if u like to follow me back, or even just visit on my blog, i would be more than happy:)

  8. oh and btw, SO COOL that music thing! hahaa first i was wondering that WERE THE HECK THIS ENRIQUE IGLESIAS COME FROM x)

  9. the polish looks fab!

  10. Fabulous! I never knew about this and too bad I'm not in Canada. I know what you mean about spending too much so don't worry about the Lulu's code. :)
    Be sure to enter my giveaway challenge to win a great Hold Me cosmetic organizer. XOXO

  11. hey :)
    omg i love ur blog and the playlist is amazing i love the songs in it u got a sych a great taste in music :)
    and i looooooooooooooove Essie Nail Polish in Formal Affair
    that color would amazing on nails :)

    enjooy ur goodies sweetheart def follwoing you :)
    will u plz follow me back becuz i only have 3 followers and im kinda new :)

  12. Your new blogs never show on my dashboard :'(

  13. ooh, i love that nail color!

  14. I love red polish! <33
    Looks so fab on everyone :)

  15. heheI'm a bit mixed about the red polish - I like how bold red is but red polish always reminds me a color older ladies would wear :P This is why I don't sign up for Luxe/Birch/etc boxes, because I'll probably end up getting a bunch of stuff I won't use.

  16. i think the idea of a luxe box is so cool! :D

    and i like that essie nail polish color. :)

    <3, Mimi

  17. can't wait to see your post on the glymm box!

  18. Aw thnx Dear for the Lovely Comment :) ur soo Sweet And u Can Come Visit Me everytime u Want Ur soo Welcome And ill Shooow My Whole Country U will Love it :)

  19. nice box seems like everyone is getting one and you got nice goodies in this one!! hmmm I kinda wanna try it out too lol

    and for the mantracker thats sad that the horses almost drowned I haven't seen one where they outrun the mantracker yet, there was this one where they were only 20m from the finish line but he got caught it was disappointing haha

  20. Showing some love. I understand about the giveaway, thanks anyway. XOXO

  21. You're so nice with trying to be un-wasteful ^^ & Luze Box was pretty cool in accommodating their customer's desires to save the earth! haha~ Too bad the stuff that came with the Luxe Box isn't really what you wanted ): Although the Essie Nail Polish looks really pretty! I have been looking for a red nail polish recently because I want to try to do Minnie Mouse nails! But I can't find the perfect red ):

    PS. I did a review on the Wet n Wild eyeliner! (:

  22. you should definitely go to imats! So worth it! alsooo I've never even heard of luxe boxes, ive heard of birch box and glossy box im assuming its the canadian equivalent...

    u should give me your red nail polish because I love redds :P lol jk

  23. Aww I think me and you both have similar dislikes for products! Not a polish girl either and I don't even own a lip liner. Perfumes samples I'm not into because I like only specific scents and have my own full bottles already.
    I think the surprise factor and present every month (like Christmas all year round) is what keeps you coming back ;)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Wow. Everything looks lovely. Especially the Essia Nail Polish. Hot red ♥

  26. loove the new playlist :D
    we have the same taste in music

  27. Love the nail polish sexy!

    hugs and kisses by Mani.

  28. that is soooo cool!!! those aren't just samples, they are actual full size products!!! That Essie alone is worth the $12 a month (well almost)... Wish we had Luxe Box in the states :(

  29. haha aw darling your not weird your cute :)
    and if u dont want that polish you can always give it to me lol i love it and i dont have a red nail polish im trying to get one and iv never tried that essie nailpolishes but iv heard that there good

  30. aw thnx darling that means a lot to me :)
    but i think u can like mail it to me if u want but u dont have to :)

  31. Heyyy Alx.. well this is rather awkward for me to say because I feel rather uncomfortable lol... but I'm not going through anything right now. I don't think people understand why I blog about the stuff I do. I have my own beliefs about being positive, and to me it's not about just being happy on the surface. I blog about deeper things because I think it's better to confront and understand your situations and rise from them than just look the other way and hope that it'll all disappear.

    But whatever works for you right? =)

  32. Yeah, I have the UD Naked Palette. I just wish the new one had a real mirror so the finger[prints wouldn't stick. Have a great weekend XOXO

  33. Do you think Luxe box is worth the money? I know in the states that there's Birch box but I don't know if it would be worth it to me personally. Why must everything cost so much? Did you get the Naked palette yet? :)

  34. I like the idea of luxe box.. too bad, I'm here in Ph, can't enjoy those! That's Big time Huh! FAB HAUL! enjoy hun! xoxo

  35. Ah! Reading everyone's post about their luxe box wants me to order a years worth asap! But I know I can't!!! >< I really love the Essie polish they gave out this month, I think it's perfect for summer! I received the Consonant organix soap bar too but have yet to use it >< Im glad you like it though so now I have high hopes for it haha

    In response to your comment! The outfit I have in the second photo is the same as the first but just without the blazer LOL As for nail polish, I think 2 coats is good enough for the Joe polishes but I just like to layer it on thick! Regardless of how good the formula is ><

  36. I so love the color of the eye-liner! yeah you should use it on lips since the color would look great on your lips! :) Btw love your blog :) I'm now your new follower,and would love if you follow back

  37. WOW this is the coolest thing what a fun idea I dont think we have anything like this in america but i would definitely sign up if we did xx

  38. ooo nice how it came with a full sized nail polish!!

  39. Hi Alx!

    I was debating whether to get a Luxe Box or a Glymm Box, and after seeing the samples in July's Glymm Box I caved in haha. I can't wait to get it!

    Drop by my blog :)I'd love to hear from you!
    P.S. I'm your 100th blog follower :D


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Hola Senoritas y Senor!
Feel free to leave me comments/questions/request or anything in between! =]
