
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May's Luxe Box s2

Quick update...
- I missed the Shiseido warehouse because of the rain and because I didn't sleep early enough the night before =P but I hope I can attend the next one in November =]
- Will not be ordering another pair of glasses from clearlycontacts just because the only one I loveeee and want the most is the Lacoste black and white frame but the promo code does not apply to that particular frame =[. I just realized not long ago that the promo code only applies to Canadians, I'm sorry for all my other subbies =[...
- Ok, lets move on to something more exciting! my Luxe Box arrived =]

It's that time of the month again!, I didn't have my camera with me for the paste week so I couldn't upload these pictures therefore I couldn't blog about this! but I was so excited to receive this last Monday, came home from school and immediately opened this s2!

I'm sure most of you know what a Luxe Box is right? if not then check out HERE for all the details. But in short, Luxe Box is a monthly subscription service at Loose Button, where you pay $9.99 +tax for 3-5 deluxe samples from high end brands. Shipping is free, only available to Canadians at the moment.

Loose Button is a new company, so they always interact with their customers (someone like me and hundreds of others who purchases Luxe Boxes) for comments on how they can improve their service and this month's Luxe Box, they have changed their logo, greeting cards and a little bit of their packaging.

Ok let's get started now! This is what I got this month...
Top: Old Version
Bottom: New Version

Outside of the greeting card: Left: Old Version,  Right: New Version

Inside of greeting card, Left: Old version, Right: New Version (contains two pieces of paper)

The back of the greeting card: Left: Old Version, Right: New Version

Finally, let's dig in!, this is the wrapping, there is an extra sticker added to their packaging

First item, this is an organic body soap by CONSONANT: Organic olive oil body soap =] (112g)

Advanced Cellular Age Defense Day Serum by Elizabeth Grant (10ml)
Daily Microfoliant by Dermalogica (0.45oz, 13 g)
China Glaze in Sexy in the City (9.6ml)
Never painted my nails in blue so I'm starting with some dots lol, attempting to draw a flower but I couldn't find my white nail pen =[, oh well this will do =]

Base: Revlon's Grey Suede, blue dots Sexy in the City by China Glaze
P.S. Sorry for the chipped nails, I didn't use a base nor a top coat I was just playing with the colours!
I love Luxe Boxes!

I love this service because you really get a chance to try products that you've never heard of or never thought of buying but this way, you will definitely find things you might love and wish to purchase the full size item or things you might hate and not wanting to purchasing the full size. So this is great for beauty lover and beauty beginners like me because I can try various products without spending a whole lot and these samples are huge!

However, I was a little disappointed with this month's service, if you've watched some YouTubers talk about their May's Luxe Box or have read another blogger about their boxes, then you might find that their China Glaze polish got upgraded to a full size just because they ordered the 3-month subscription plan, but I did too and I didn't get an upgrade PLUS they forgot to throw in a chocolate like they always do to everyone's =[. Anyways, these are just minor things, I actually prefer the mini polish because they are cuter and I won't be able to finish the full size anyways so that's ok AND I don't like chocolate that much anyways so that's ok too LOL but I just don't like how their system is still unorganized, I emailed them last week about this small matter and still they haven't replied, kind of disappointed with their services because they usually reply within a few days! =[

Update!, I posted this too quick, I just got an email from Loose Button referring to the small matter mentioned right above and they realized that they have mixed up my Luxe Box and I'm happy they emailed me back that they will make my June's Luxe Box extra special =] but I will have to wait and see, in the mean time they have also offered me an extra nail polish sample from China Glaze in another colour so I that I can have two to try=] I'm very pleased with their service as I always thought, but this email took one week to reply which is why I felt disappointed prior to receiving this email. I'm very happy with their service and accommodation that they have offered me for their small mistakes. I just want to take this chance to Congratulate Loose button on their public launch of their Luxe Boxes this Saturday May 21st. This service will be made available to the public (Canadians only) with different payment plans, but you guys will no longer need an invite to order! yay!

Anyways, let me know if you purchased a Luxe Box before or not, did you like it? would you want to try this system out? Do you like the older version or the newer version, I personally like a mix of both old and new, I like the old logo on their box and the way they tied the strings but I like the new colours added into their greeting cards! Let me know by commenting below!




  1. i guess luxebox is the canadian version of birchbox LOL. i do love the idea although i like the birchbox items more!

  2. Aww no you're not a dummie, don't say that..!! XD That's quite funny because my sister had suggested that me and her take transit to the sale since she knew how much I wanted to go.. but then we slept in and it was rainy and gloomy so yeah, if it wasn't for my mom I would've missed it too haha. I hope you get to go to November's sale!

    I glanced back at some of your older posts and I like what you blog about! I'm always on the hunt for deals bwhaha. And glad to know that I wasn't the only one into the Royal Wedding haha.

    I've heard a lot of semi-disappointing reviews of these luxe boxes. They look rather like they're not worth it in my opinion =X

  3. Love love love that manicure, it's so girly and dainty!! i'm gonna try :) thanks for the sweet and thoughtful comment on my bloggy :)))

  4. How exciting! Signed up yesterday,I can't wait to receive my invite!


  5. Make sure if u guy buy it that you get the 3 month subscription because starting on Sat May 21st they are increasing the price a little.. don't know how much yet but they did say is just a little =S

  6. Oh really? Well that's good that you get your money's worth then =)

  7. hey girly!
    i didn't get glasses either because the ones i wanted, the promo code didn't work :( i saw a nice pair of fendi's haha.

    so happy you made a post for luxebox, i wanted to know more about it. I finally got my invitation today but i didn't do anything yet. I wanted to ask once you sign up, how long do they send your box for? 3 months? 12 months? do they charge you all at once or do you have to pay every single month? confusssedddd lol

  8. thanks babes! you are so much help! i will for sure make the order for 3 months tomorrow. So when is the cut off date? say when i want to order again after the 3 months, and then would i need another invite?

    i wish birchbox ships to canada! i love their goodies and how they customize the gifts for every customer! ahhhhh

  9. Thanks for showing this! The nail polish looks so pretty! That reminds me, I'll have to post my May birchbox

  10. this is so exciting! and such a cool way to try out new stuff without getting the full size ones. and their packaging looks lovely! no such thing here in my country,but i love to read about all this from you and other amazing bloggers out there,thanks for sharing!

  11. We hqce birch box over here in the US. I've been so wanting to join but I'm moving overseas in a few months so it seems silly for me to join.. Just to cancel a few months later.

    I'm glad to hear they rectified the situation and are going to make your next months box extra special.. You'll have to update because I'd love to see how they plan on making it extra special hahaha. Happynto hearnyour getting another mini nail polish!! Yah for new beauty goodies!

  12. This sounds exiting! Thanks for sharing all the info and your goodies! XOXO

  13. This tempts me to order from Birchbox! I love the cute packaging :D

  14. Wow, Luxebox items look so much better than all the Birchbox items I've been seeing in blogposts!

  15. I got the Luxebox for May too! It's my going to be for my next blog post lol, o0o0o0 that's a very nice colour you got for the polish! and have you used the soap yet? I haven't since Im not a huge bar soap fan but I am using the microfioliater? lol for a few days now =)


Hola Senoritas y Senor!
Feel free to leave me comments/questions/request or anything in between! =]
