
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

FREE Kiehl's Lip balm =] Canada only ..sryy

I finally finished my essay!! and now I'm back for a post again! LOL... Here's another awesome freebie for all u Canadianss (Sorry internationals, I can't help it ><)

Get a free Kiehl's Lip balm before Jun 12, 2011 (or until supplies last) at any free-standing stores in Canada

CLICK ME for a free lip balm coupon =]


  1. Not sure if I'll have the time to go grab mine, but this sure is an amazing freebie! Some say the coupon is only redeemable at the Kiehl's on Queen but I'm not sure...

  2. ooo i luv khiel's lip balm~~~its my favorite~~~it heals chapped lips almost instantly~~~


  3. yay for freebies,and btw ive checked out paula's choice before and they charge USD 1.70++ for 1 sample!!!! @#$% crazy,so im looking around first,but ofcourse paula's choice would be on my list because like you said its really good :)

  4. i think i might go to the one on queen street on Saturday see if they still have more left~~~lol

    i did crazy shopping with my bestie for past few weeks~~~we bought soo much clothes~~~it was her bday so we wanted go go to kheil's to get the free lipbalm, but by the time we were at queen, it was too late so we went to bedo and bought clothes instead~~~lol


  5. Well at the bottom of the coupon, in tiny characters, it's written that it's available at Kiehl's counters in Canada, but there's the address of the Kiehl's at Queens in bigger characters... Anyway, I guess it's owrth a try! Yes there is Kiehl's counters in Montreal, I just don't exactly know why, expect in the mall near where I live (:

  6. Awww! Canada only! Thanks for the news though XOXO

  7. awwwww lucky! I want to get free stuff too >3< but I don't live in Canada ):

  8. Oh no I don't think that I will have to get this :(

  9. thanks for the heads up! i will try emailing them ,and hopefully some free samples!!! even if i don't get any,i might just purchase the face wash. XD

  10. Nice!! :) I wish I were in Canada right now! hehe

  11. I've heard so much about this lipbalm! :)
    Welcome back! I finished my school so I can blog often!
    Come visit my blog!

    I followed! Can't wait for new post!

  12. aww, wish we had one over here too! ;) but anyway, yay for finishing your essay! :D

    <3, Mimi

  13. I'm not sure if my comment went though or not, so I'll post it again. :)

    Too bad it's Canada only! Cute blog hun!! Have a nice weekend. :)

  14. yay for Kiehl's. waayyy pricey but i still find it worthy right haha! how's school? hope all is well love!

  15. Oh, wow a full size tube. I've never tried this lip blam before but... :( no fair. Im in the states. You girls in Canada r so lucky.


Hola Senoritas y Senor!
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