
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog Award and Mail =]

I'm excited to let you all know that I finished my last midterm of the term yesterday and reading week starts today! In addition to that, I have no papers, assignments or tests due anytime soon which means I have more time to blog!^^. Also, I just recently found out that Canada post is scheduled to get back to work yesterday and that we should be expect mail Tuesday afternoon which is today!! I haven't got a chance to go to my mailbox but I wonder if there's really any mail? we'll see =].....I lied....... I couldn't wait to finish this post before going to the mailbox so I just went and came back and YES!!! there was mail!! ^^ more on that shown below =]

I also got a Twitter account a few days ago so if you'd like to follow me then click here. If you have a twitter then feel free to leave me your twitter account down in the comment section just so I can check it out =]

Ok, that's that, let's move on to today's post. Two weeks ago
Riya from pinkstrawberrielove awarded me with this awesome Kreativ Blogger Award and I was seriously so happy, surprised and honored that she thought of me. THANK YOU RIYA!! I s2 you so much!! Please check her out and follow her if you are interested, she does everything makeup and fashion related things and she's such a beautiful girl! I don't think you guys will be disappointed at all =]

10 Things about me
Award it to 10 Bloggers and Notify them about this award

10 Things about me:

1. I love purple and corals
2. I'm 5' 4''
3. I buy so much coloured makeup (like E/S) but rarely use them ><
4. I love online shopping and wished that we get charged the same price and shipping rates as the Americans =[
5. I love mangoes, pineapples, lemons, bananas, strawberry and peaches/nectarines but hate oranges, coconuts and pears
6. My favourite season of the year is summer and fall
7. I have super frizzy, curly hair but I swear I'm 100% Chinese
(There was one customer at my workplace who thought I was mixed with black which is the only mixture that I would ever want to be if I get to choose before birth =P. So I just took that as a compliment =])
8. I'm not a lip person, I usually just use lip balms or tinted lip balms but I really want to try out lipsticks
9. I love short shorts and hate mini skirts (I don't look good in mini skirts)
10. My nose and eyebrows are very asymmetrical

I would love to award the following bloggers =D, Please don't feel offended if I didn't choose you, I'm limited to 10 bloggers only but I'm assuring you that I still love you all s2!:

Now onto the MAILBOX situation, like I said above, I ended up going to the mailbox and only found a magazine and a KEY (you know what that means...there's a package waiting for me!). So I opened the the mailbox with the provided key and I found my prize that I won from JESSY ( Thank you Jessy, I can't wait to try everything out! I will make a detailed post on this giveaway and another mini giveaway that I won from Raluca ( ^^

I found this magazine and box in the mail s2

Peek-a-boo of what I won =]

After finishing my midterm yesterday I went out to dine with my friends and then right after that I went to another dinner with families and relatives =O, yep 2 consecutive dinners in one night LOL but anyways I had 10 hrs of sleep last night and woke up to awesome weather as shown in this picture =D




  1. im glad the package arrive safe abd sound~~~and i hope nth is broken and stuff~~~and ya i dont usually send out my packing technique is quite sloppy~~~and thx for tagging me~~~i swear i have many tags that i still need to do~~~but i promise i'll do yours tmr~~~


  2. thanks girly! and i'm the same way, i have a tone of bright colored shadows and rarely use them, i wish i would use them more often!!

  3. Congrats Alex! well deserved :)
    I love online shopping too and wish that we were charge same as Americans especially now that our dollar is higher. So not fair, the price difference are so extreme too. Can't wait to see what you got from Jessy.


  4. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me :) <3 means alot.

  5. great post, awesome blog

    followed you! feel free to visit and follow me!

  6. congrats on your blog award! ;)

  7. cool blog uve got here!!!! congrats too on the award!

    xoxo jenna

  8. Just wanted to let you know your beauty question was answered. XOXO

  9. ooo congrats on the award! you deserve it!

  10. hi alx! thank you thank you thank you! i really appreciate it! :D

    <3, Mimi

  11. Aw thank you for the award! I'll make sure I do it on my next update post =)


Hola Senoritas y Senor!
Feel free to leave me comments/questions/request or anything in between! =]
