
Thursday, May 5, 2011


I tag myself LOL!... But I tag you all now!! So if you'd like to do this tag too then just post it as a comment below or blog about it =]...Anyways my friend Jenny kindaaaaaa made a request in a post I made last time and that is to tell her more about myself on things that she wouldn't have already known because she already knew most of the things that I wrote on my "22 things about myself" post so since I am bored now and found this tag, that I would do it now even thought it's late at night  right now and I should be sleeping now but oh we go!! =]...

1. Do you have a middle name?
*I don't have a middle name but I have two last names, but for privacy I won't tell you guys here =P

2. What is your Favorite subject in school?
*I really liked Arts, Music, Food and Nutrition, Photography and Math (even thought I didn't ace it math I still really liked it lol) in high school. Now in University I like, Anthropology and Geography. Okay I think I was allowed one course only but this is my blog and I can write anything I like and however much I want =]

3. Whats your Favorite drink?

*My fav is pina colada although I only order lemon water with no ice lol

4. What is your Favorite song at the moment?
*oh em gee, I am in love with Rolling In The Deep by Adele!!! I love it so much I searched so long to find the name of the song!! s2

5. What would you name your children?
*I have no idea because I haven't thought of it yet, maybe Cassandra, Adrian, Selena, Jade..umm I don't know I just know I wanna name my future puppy Whisky!! =] s2

6. Do you participate in any sports?
*I don't often, but last semester I tried to keep up with badminton but then i got lazy. I do love sports thought and I decent in most of the common ones =] but for sure not soccer and not hockey ohh and not long distance run lol

7. Favorite Book?
*I don't have a fav book because I hate reading! There was this one novel in high school that talked about Chinese superstition and Chinese cultures that I liked but I don't remember the name =[

8. Favorite Color?

*Gotta be purple!!! although the first colour that comes to mind is blue lol

9. Favorite Animal?
*I'm definitely a dog person.... period

10. Favorite Perfume?
*Have always loved White Musk by The Body Shop but I don't usually wear perfume because of all the chemicals.

11. Favorite Holiday?
*I loveeeee Christmas the most!!! I love it, love it, love it!!! it's like the time of the year that everyone starts celebrating months before the actual day!!! I love it, it's so cheerful and fun to gather around with friends and family and celebrate non-stop =] ohh and of course the little presents are nice too =] but I just love hanging out and dining  =P

12. Have you graduated high school?
*Yes, 3 years ago =].

13. Have you ever been out of the country? if so how many times?
*I immigrated to Canada from Venezuela, when I was in Venezuela I probably been out of there for like 7 times maybe? but ever since I came to Canada I've only been out of the province but not the country, how sad is that?

14. Do you speak any other language?
*I can speak fluent English, Cantonese and one type of simplified Chinese, can kinda speak Spanish and Mandarin but I need a ton of practice because no one speaks it to me so I don't remember a thing now =[

15. How many siblings do you have?
*I have an older brother and sister =]

16. What is your favorite store?

*Store? like shopping stores? ummmmmm Walmart!, Winners!, H&M, ZARA, but I like window shopping everywhere else!! =]

17. Favorite restaurant?
*Watami, Tako, and some Korean places

18. Do you like school?
Nop, but I know when I get out in the work field that I would wanna go back to school

19. Favorite youtuber?
Lots!!! but I would never miss a video made by jlovesmac1 and ilikeweylie!! s2

20. Favorite movie?
Not a big fan of movies but I love "Inception" and "Ghost"

21. Favorite TV show?
The big bang theory, ANTM, Criminal mind, The Dr. Oz show and lots of HK drama lol

22. PC or Mac?
PC... 99%!!!

23. What kind of phone do you have?
 I have a really old Motorola phone KRZR K1.. but I like the colours and the size!!

24. How tall are you?
I'm 5' 4''


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