I just wanted to talk to you girls about JustFab, I'm sure you have heard of this already if not then let me explain to you. JustFab was created by Kimora Lee Simmons a subscription program very similar to ShoeDazzle (but JustFab has way better deals!) where you get to pick one item per month out of your Showroom which includes hot heels, chic flats, accessories or even fabulous handbags for only $39.95 a month! I know $40 a month may be a lot for some people like myself that's why I was happy to find that you can SKIP any month before the 5th of each month and you will not be charged for the subscription for that month. Easy right? =] or just cancel your account after getting your first item for 50% ;). But I'm sure you won't want to cancel it cause they have the cutest styles ever and the price is very reasonable with shipping and tax included for those in the states while Canadians also gets their tax included but shipping is a $9 flat rate.
They also carry sunglasses, designer heels such as Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne and even fabulous Jeans! I always heard about JustFab but I never knew that they also ship to us CANADIANS! Aside from Canada, JustFab also ships to the states so I'm sorry for those who lives outside of Canada and US. When I signed up with JustFab I was excited to find that I get my first item at 50%off during the first hour of signing up, after that it will only be a 20% off promotion. I had to take this great advantage and order some goodies with my 50% off and I also order some things from their Memorial Day sale section which was buy 2 for $39.95.
If you want to get 50% off your first item, keep reading this post to find out how =D
Happy shopping =D